Alain Robert on Howard’s Good News

It was a bit strange to see Alain Robert, the world famous climber of buildings on Russel Howard’s Good News show the other night. Howard didn’t seem to know who the man was but he did say he might be quite the chap.

It was great to see because some of the first blog posts I put up, almost a 6 months ago, are about either Russel Howard or Alain Robert. Both are going to be part of my dissertation on Theology and Humor and provisionally entitled Contrasting laughter at the foot of the cross with the laughter at the messianic banquet. World Environment Day Cocktail Lunch

I find a lot of the Good News good, but am increasingly getting annoyed with his potty humor. Nothing clever about it Russ, try doing it in a way that isn’t so blatantly graphic. That might take some energy and creativity.

The blog post about Alain Robert and the Situationists can be found here. The original post referencing Russel Howard’s Good News can be found here.

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